Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Ingin sekali aku menjadi sebutir bintang
yang sentiasa bergelipan 
memancarkan cahayanya
menerangi seluruh alam

Ingin sekali aku menjadi sebutir bintang
yang sentiasa menyinar
walau di mana pun berada
juga ketika

Bintang yang paling kuat sirnanya
itulah aku
To be a STAR is truly my dream
Star in the eyes of Allah
through absolute obedience
willingly to do anything for the sake of Him
 Star in the eyes of parents
to bring happiness into their life
to be a good daughter

Star in the eyes of people
to be a role model 
qudawah hasanah
The Holy Prophet p.b.u.h
my acts
my behoviour
my attitude
my words
my appearance
will make them and their lives
in remembrance of Allah
insha Allah

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